Thursday, May 24, 2007

Happy Anniversary To Us

Yesterday, Mary and I celebrated our 32nd Anniversary.

“Celebrated” is maybe not the best term. She worked late because of a parents’ night at school. I went over to a friend’s house and watched motorcycle races he had recorded from the weekend.

Great races! Le Mans in the rain.

I consider myself to be a very lucky guy to be married to such a wonderful person, still in love and more in love every year. Lots of marriages don’t last. Some that do aren’t so great.

What did we do to be so lucky? I’ve reflected on occasion that when we met, I was far from emotionally mature. I could have easily ended up in a terrible relationship. But it wasn’t just luck, either. We’ve both done a lot of work on ourselves and on our relationship. Somehow we managed to stay together long enough to begin to get it right.

We’ll probably do something special this weekend, but I did remember to buy flowers and a card for the day.

I also filled her car with gas. What a guy I am!


Anonymous said...

And as someone who was there at the beginning, my heartiest congratulations!


Anonymous said...

I'll be a ditto-head for once and offer my sincere congratulations. I'm sure you know how fortunate
you are, so I'll just add it couldn't have happened
to two nicer people.


ross said...

Thanks, guys.

Good marriage,good friends, good health: how come I'm not rich?

Three out of four, I guess.