Monday, November 09, 2009

What a difference

a day makes. . . .

Punditry on the chances for health care reform now seems to be focusing on obstacles, suggesting that it’s not at all clear that Obama will have a bill to sign. This is a complete reversal of what I was hearing just a day or two ago, when is seemed like we’d moved into the realm of forgone conclusion, even before the house voted.

An excellent reason to shit-can the filibuster: Joe Lieberman pontificating on why he would, in an act of moral conscience, prevent the bill from coming to a vote. One man can do this? One man who just last week was announcing that he would vote against the public option purely because it would be bad for the insurance industry concentrated in his state?

Oh, that Soupy Sales were still alive to hit this dick in the face with a pie. How about a nice piece of dick-face pie, Joe?


So now I’m going back to my cartoons.

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